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Avvocato Geronimo Cardia - gclegal

Geronimo Cardia

founder e partner

Bachelor’s degree in law; Degree in economics and business; Masters in tax law; AAUUC training course in the Guardia di Finanza academy.

Cassation lawyer, chartered accountant, auditor, technical advisor to the Civil and Criminal Court and bankruptcy trustee. After about 10 years of activity in an international law firm, he takes on direct and own assignments, establishes and manages internal legal offices of companies and groups of companies and founded, in 2004, the organization from which the associated Cardia study originates.

In fact, institutional and / or entrepreneurialpublic and private, industrial, financial for about twenty years carries out and has held positions as Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors, effective member of the Board of Statutory Auditors, Single Supervisory Body, Chairman of the Supervisory Body, Member of the Supervisory Body, Sole Component of the Supervisory Body, Liquidator and Curator in various procedures. He also participated in the preparation of organizational models of Legislative Decree 231/2001. ). He has been a judicial assistant in the Extraordinary Administration of large companies, judicial custodian of companies, commissioner of a joint commissioner, a member of ministerial commissions for the assignment of educational contributions, a certified auditor of training plans, a certified auditor of funded research projects, Local counsel for international groups, as well as an officer in charge of the Guardia di Finanza assigned to the third department of the General Command. It assiduously provides support to trade associations for the coordination of the legal table of the associated operators.

He has been involved in legal gaming for over fiftheen years. Care of legal, tax, compliance, civil and administrative judicial litigation, M & A, corporate, JV, banking, contracts and issues typical of business lawyers also aimed at restructuring groups, debts. With the study colleagues he assists, also for start-ups, internal legal offices, corporate activities (board meetings, shareholders’ meetings, etc.), ordinary (contracts, and general operations), extraordinary (acquisitions, restructurings and start-ups), of the litigation (extrajudicial and judicial) closely following the corporate strategies for the recovery of credit positions.

Former lecturer in International Tax Law for the specialized degree course in managerial sciences at the G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti. Speaker at various conferences with particular regard to tax matters and legal gaming.

Author of the Text “The territorial question. Prohibition on the legal game by the territorial legislation “, GN Media Editions as well as the text” Legal Profiles of Privatizations “, Edizioni il Sole 24 hours books, and several publications of a fiscal nature and on the gaming sector.

Among the present and past positions held in June 2019:

  • Chairman of the Board of Auditors of Fondo Formazione Fondazienda (2011 – in effect);
  • Chairman of the Board of Auditors of Fondazione Soroptimist – Club di Roma (2011 – in effect);
  • Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Redo S.g.r. (2018 – in effect);
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of GSA- Gran Sasso Acqua S.p.A. (2018 – in effect);
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Multiservizi Caerite S.p.A. (2017 – in effect);
  • Chairman the Supervisory Board of Engie Produzione S.p.A., formerly Gas de France Produzione Suez S.p.A. (2011 – in effect);
  • Chairman of ACADI – Associazione Concessionari di Giochi Pubblici (2018 – in effect);
  • Independent Statutory Auditor of Galileo Alliance Association (2019 – in effect);
  • Independent Statutory Auditor of Med Oil S.r.l. (2015 – in effect);
  • Monocratic Supervisory Board of Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A. (2015 – in effect);
  • Monocratic Supervisory Board of Sistemia S.p.A. (2017 – in effect);
  • Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (2016 – in effect);
  • Member of the Board of Auditors of Umberto I – Policlinico di Roma (2016 –in effect);
  • Member of the Board of Auditors of Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico materno-infantile Burlo Garofolo (2013 – in effect);
  • Member of the Board of Auditors of Fondazione INGM – Istituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare (2014 – in effect);
  • Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Confapi – Confederazione Italiana Piccola e Media Industria Privata (2015 – in effect);
  • Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of IP Industrial S.p.A., formerly Raffineria di Roma S.p.A. (2018 – in effect);
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of Engie Italia S.p.A., formerly Gas de France Suez Energia Italia S.p.A. (2011 – in effect);
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of Voghera Energia S.p.A. (2017 – in effect);
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of HBG Entertainment S.r.l. (2016 – in effect);
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of InnovaPuglia S.p.A. (2018 – in effect);
  • Bankruptcy Trustee for Megamind S.r.l. (2004 – in effect);
  • Member of the Arbitration Board of Lega Nazionale Dilettanti – FGCI (2015 – in effect);
  • Alternate member of the Federal Court of Appeals of Federazione Medico Sportiva Italiana (2016 – in effect);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Sigea- Sistema integrato Genova Arquata S.p.A. (2013 – 2019);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Gestioni Europa S.p.A. (2013 – 2019);
  • formerly Chairman of Board of Auditors of Istituto Superiore di Sanità (2015 – 2018);
  • formerly Monocratic Supervisory Board of Fondazione Fratelli Paolo e Tito Molina – Onlus (2017 – 2018);
  • formerly member of the Supervisory Board of Engie Servizi S.p.A. (2016 – 2018);
  • formerly Sole Administrator of Studio Italia S.r.l. (2006);
  • formerly Sole Administrator of Osho S.r.l.;
  • formerly Chairman of Board of Statutory Auditors società Parco Eolico Cocullo S.p.A. (2009 – 2017);
  • formerly Sole Administrator of Gestioni e Promozioni Immobiliari Essecia S.r.l. (2012 – 2015);
  • formerly Chairman of Board of Statutory Auditors of Sphaera Partners S.r.l. (2005);
  • formerly Chairman of Board of Statutory Auditors of Fondo per la Formazione Forte (2008 – 2012);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Azienda Ospedaliera San Camillo-Forlanini (2016 – 2017);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Metzeler (Italia) società di intermediazione mobiliare S.p.A. (2002 – 2004);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of P&G Società di Gestione del Risparmio S.p.A. (2013 – 2015);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Autoequipe S.p.A. (2013 – 2014);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Zerocento – Società per Azioni (2012 – 2014);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of 9ren Italia S.r.l. (2010 – 2013);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL1 Avezzano Sulmona L’Aquila (2010 – 2013);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Centomiglia S.r.l. (2010 – 2013);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Ener 3 S.r.l. (2010 – 2012);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of De.Co. Deposito Comune Società Consortile a responsabilità limitata (2012);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Erg Cesa Eolica S.p.A. (2007 – 2009);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Genesys – Società per Azioni (2008);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Sensata Technologies Italia S.p.A. (2006 – 2008);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of European Engineering and Technologies S.p.A. (2006 – 2008);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Moulin de Blé S.r.l. (2002 – 2005);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Deutsches Reiseburo S.r.l. (2014 – 2016);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Totalgaz Italia S.r.l. – “Totalgaz” (2014 – 2016);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Dover Italy Holdings S.r.l. (1999 – 2005);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Western Union Retail Services Italy S.r.l. (2003);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Invensys Appliance Controls Holding S.r.l. (1999 – 2002);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Emmegi S.r.l. (2005);
  • formerly Standing Statutory Auditor of Rotary Lift Europe S.r.l. (1999 – 2002);
  • formerly Revisore Certificatore di piani ricerca finanziata svolti nell’Azienda Ospedaliera – Università di Parma (2015);
  • formerly Revisore Certificazione piani formativi finanziati da fondi paritetici bilaterali per la formazione. Aziende operanti in diversi settori per la formazione dei dipendenti (Fondimpresa, Fondirigenti, Adecco).
  • selected Chairman of Organismo di Vigilanza of Lazio Ambiente S.p.A. (2015);
  • formerly Member of the Supervisory Board of Gas de France Flow Management Holding S.p.A. (2012 – 2016);
  • formerly Member of the Supervisory Board of BingoPlus S.p.A. (2012 – 2017);
  • formerly Member of the Supervisory Board of HBG Arcades S.p.A. (2012 – 2017);
  • formerly Member of the Supervisory Board of Latina Bingo S.r.l. (2012 -2017);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Pitney Bowes Italia S.r.l. (2001);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Patheon S.p.A. (2005);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Naturex S.p.A. (2004);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Bipielle SantAnder Central Hispano società di intermediazione mobiliare S.p.A. (2001 – 2003);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Thermo Optek Italia S.p.A. (2001 – 2003);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Calvin Klein Europe S.r.l. (2003);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of B.M.A. – Brusati Manifattura Abrasivi S.p.A. (1999- 2001);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of Trelleborg Wheel Systems S.p.A. (1999);
  • formerly Alternate Statutory Auditor of W.C.B. Ice Cream Italy S.r.l. (2003);
  • formerly Commissioner liquidator of Fondo per la Formazione Fondagri;
  • formerly Bankruptcy Trustee for Elettronica Sistemi Italia S.r.l. (2005);
  • formerly Bankruptcy Trustee for Garanta International S.p.A. (2011);
  • formerly Bankruptcy Trustee for Pedra S.r.l. (2007);
  • formerly Bankruptcy Trustee for Balduina Gestioni Alberghiere – Società a responsabilità limitata (2010);
  • formerly Bankruptcy Trustee for Ecplise S.r.l. (2011).
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