10 Nov Da Tar Milano un’altra sospensione per chiusura illegittima
Il Tar di Milano sospende la chiusura di una sala giochi ...
Il Tar di Milano sospende la chiusura di una sala giochi ...
Accepting the first motive of the respondent, the State Council recently suspended the judgment on the appeal lodged by the City of Vicenza for the reform of the judgment of Tar of Veneto, which annulled the antislot measure adopted by the municipality itself...
The crowding-out effect that characterizes the numerous initiatives on the part of local entities against legal gambling should be banned: It is unconstitutional and to suggest it is (or better, should be) Good Sense....
I was informed of an article published on repubblica.it entitled " Gambling Lords rally against Palazzo Tursi " article in which it broke-out the news that some operators pressured the Council of State to evaluate the possible illegitimacy of the crowding-out effect of the recent Genoa’s regulation and of a Liguria’s Regional Law Some...
In these days, mayors’ initiatives that set time limitations for both the opening and closing of gaming shops, and for the powering of gaming equipment installed in other and different business activities are spreading....
Milan’s time restrictions ordinance. Now the litigation goes into substance. ...
Un commento scritto dall' Avv. Geronimo Cardia, autore del libro “La Questione territoriale” all'indomani dell'accordo tra governo ed enti locali sui giochi....
The municipal ordinances on time slots for the powering of devices jeopardize state's oversight of gaming data which is put in place in for a proper and controlled gambling....
The Council of State is looking at daily opening hours granted to legal operators. ...
The local time restrictions ordinances do not offer any study of the actual efficacy of it....